sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008

whooo hooo...its tomorrow!!!

We are all very excited and cannot believe that the walk is happening tomorrow!! We would like to remind everyone that you can still enter in the morning betweeen 09.00 - 09.45 h at the port in Estartit. We have 71 confirmed entries with a few more definates turning up tomorrow. WE CANNOT believe the response we have had to this. We expebcted to get 25 - 30 people MAX. so this is fantastic. We would like to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone that has entered and/or supported/donated to this event.

We have lots of other activities going on on the street outside Harveys/Roberts so if you are not taking part there is lots to do whilst we are pounding the pavements!!

SPONSORSHIP - SPAIN - Once you have collected your sponsor money for the Spanish charity AECC you can pay it directly into the walk for life costa brava bank account with your name as a reference or you can give it to ANDREA or EMMA. If you want your sponsor money to go to Cancer research UK you can do this directly through our just giving page www.justgiving.com/walkforlifecostabrava

We will see you all in the morning please make sure you check in with ANDREA or EMMA at the harbour before 09.45 h!!


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