miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

And the total is........

An amazing 4438.34 euros has been raised to donate to Fundació Onocolliga Girona.
We are over the moon with the totals and you did all the hard work with your sponsorhip money. We weren't expecting to raise so much due to the "Crisis" but it just goes to show that everyone is touched by cancer and knows the difference all donations can make to those fighting the disease and their families.

In the UK so far we have raised 797.00 pounds for cancer research UK. You can still make a donation via the justgiving site www.justgiving.com/walkforlifecostabrava2009

We want to thank and everyone of you for all of your help and support for once again making Walk for life Costa Brava such a roaring success.

We will be presenting the cheque to the charity asap and we will post a photo on this blog!

Thanks again...until next year,

Andrea & Emma xxxxx

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Final Sponsorship is in!

A big thank you to:

Gill Butt has raised 40,00 €

Sarah Shires has raised 125,00 €

I will post the final totals later this weekend!