jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

3 days to go...........we are getting v excited

Only 3 more days to go. We are getting very excited about the response we have had and the amount of people that have registered already!! Officially tomorrow is the last day you can enter so make sure you get your forms in and don't miss out on what is going to be a great day. Ladies it is not often we have an hour or 2 to ourselves with out the men and kids!!! Some of the men reckon that we should have called it a sponsored gossip or a talkathon!!!

We need to say a big advance thank you to our on the day helpers - Dave, Mark, Tony, Russell, Orelie and Kirsteen and everyone else that we manage to rope into helping us!!

More entries include:

Jo and Margaret McGregor
Rachel Matthews
Anne Matthews
Lluisa Pages
Rosa Prats
Monika Tillmann
Mireia Sayols
Jane Chapman
Emma Fortea
Diana Webster
Elaine McDougall
Michelle Williams
Maria Sweeny
Jessica Jones
Suzette Jennings
Suzanne Creed
Anne Hinnier
Caroline Rammanets
Sylvia Salats
Jacqueline Chambers
Eva Cantell

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