viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

Sponsor moeny is starting to come in

Well done for the effort last Sunday. The sponsor money is starting to roll in now. Remember you have until the end of October to pay the money into the bank account or you can pay it into Kings Office in Estartit.

Once we hav the final totals we will le tyou know on here.

Well done once again it was such a great day!

Andrea and Emmax

Line dancing with Kay

Check out this you tube video of Kay and her line dancers on Sunaday after the walk:

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Some photos of the day......

On your marks, get set.........

....Go!! Here come the girls!!

Let the walking and talking begin!!

The line dancers strutted their stuff

led by Kay, who did a great job on stage!

Well done everyone!!

The walk for life Costa Brava 2010 was a FANTASTIC day. Not only was the sun shining but the turn out was incredible nearly 150 ladies turned up to walk!!!!

We set off slightly late and headed off along the promenade. The last part of the prom is closed due to problems with the beach (or lack of it) so we took a small detour and headed towards the pit stop at Camping Medas. A new addition this year. We were warmly welcomed by the campiste and offered cold water and iced apples - a welcome relief on such a hot day. We were also given gifts from the campiste. After a short break we continued and headed back to the promenade and along to the Plaça de la Llevantina. We were welcomed by the men who had done a smashing job at setting up the stalls ready for our arrival. For those of us who wanted it we were given a complimentary glass of cold cava in Harveys bar opposite.

The cake stalls were as always a great success and the tombola was great thanks to all the shops of Estartit and Torroella who donated such fab gifts. After a little rest it was time for our Line dancing Lesson/demonstration by Kay. Line dancers from her dance classes all over the costa Brava strutted their stuff and a few of us tried to keep up!! Kay did a great job and dazzled on the stage.

After the dancing it was time to release the Balloons to Heaven and head off ourselves to Harveys for a well deserved drink.

The day was such a great success and we really cannot thank everyone who was involved enough from the walkers to the sponsors.

Together we are fighting cancer!!!

Andrea and Emma X

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

Just over 12 hours to go!!

Almost there!! Just a few final preparations to do and all will be ready for tomorrows walk! All pray for sunshine!! The forecast is good but as Estartit seems to have it's own weather we will have to wait and see!!! Come rain or shine we will be walking tomorrow!!!

If you haven't registered please come down early and register. We are expecting a lot of people to turn up in the morning so we will be busy. We really want to be away by 10.00 h so DON'T BE LATE!

We are intending to record the event and take lots of photos but please feel free to send us your photos and video clips (we want to make a video with music to put on the website so all recordings will be welcomed!).

If you haven't yet got your tshirt we have them all down at the start of the walk. We also have marker pens if you want to write a message on your tshirt!

All children doing the walk can do so free of charge but if they want a tshirt we have kids tshirts for 5 € each. Please let us know when you check in if you have any children walking!

Well ladies, Let's hope tomorrow is as good a day as they last two years have been. Remember why we are doing it...and think of our lost or brave loved ones who have fought and lost or are still fighting this dreadful diesease!

Thnak you all so, so much for all your support and donations.

See you in the morning,

Andrea and Emma XX

P:S a big happy ** birthday to my mother in law JEAN KING whose birthday it is tomorrow and to my son Alfie whose 3rd birthday it is on Monday! Andrea X

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Not long now!!!

Only 3 days until the walk and everything is go, go, go!!!!! Local business are being extremely generous and we have had some great donations. We have had a big response in the last few days and although a lot of people are registering in advance we are expecting a large amount of people to register on the day. If you haven't registered in advance then come down to the port as early as possible (we will be there from 8.30 am onwards) so that we can start the walk on time at 10.00 am!

We are delighted to have Kay and her line dancers coming along to give a demonstration after the walk. We also have our very own make-up artist, Jessica Harvey, who will be doing make overs on the day.

Among the other stalls we have new and second hand books, the ever popular tombola (with some great prizes donated by the generous businesses of Estartit and Torroella!), the cake stall, clothes stall, Balloons to heaven, Bric-a-brac, Oncolliga charity stall, face painting for the kids and make overs for the ladies!

We just need you all to cross you fingers and hope for good weather!!

We will update you all again before the big day. Keep collecting those sponsors and remember every little help.

There will be plenty of jobs to do on the day so anyone who wants to help out please let us know.

Andrea and Emma x

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

1 week to go!!

Only 1 week to go until the walk and we are busy with the final preparations. Thank you to all of those who have already registered and for those of you who haven't yet got your inscription form don't forget to do it this week!!

We still have space for those of you who want to have a fund raising stall. Men especially come and take part and help us out by holding a fun stall stall (remember those school summer fetes??? Welly wanging, coconut shy etc etc). If you have some old books that you would like to donate we are doing a second hand book stall so you can bring them along on the day. We are also doing a cake stall so if you fancy making a contribution and baking a few buns or a cake everything is welcome!!

We are also looking for raffle/tombola prizes so if you have anything you would like to donate you can bring it along or get in touch with us before the day!!

This year we won't be giving out the walk for life medals. We ordered enough for the first two years and decided that the money would be better going direct to the charities rather than spending the funds on medals. However, there will still be a momento of the day and of course a cold glass of cava for all the participants.

If the children want to take part we have some kids tshirts available (5 € each but no entry fee).

Please help us with the final push and tell your friends to come and support us (and tell them to tell their friends....).

Don't forget our just giving page where you can ask friends and families to donate online direct to cancer research UK

Thanks once again to everyone for their support.

Andrea and Emma x

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010



Si voleu ajudar-nos amb una parada el dia de la caminada podeu reservar una taula. Envieu-nos un correo electronic a Podeu vendre coses de segona ma o feta de ma o menjar a recollir diners a donar a Oncolliga.

Estem buscant premis pel sorteig i llibres de segona ma. Si ho teniu, si us plau ens truqueu o ens contacteu amb correo!

Gracies a tots,

Andrea i Emma